Thursday, December 24, 2009


A commission done for a Christmas present. Fox vs. Link from Smash Bros Melee. Photoshop CS3.

Friday, November 20, 2009

photos and anti-poop.

Some photos I took from on top of a mountain. I'm going to make oil paintings out of them. I did them up to look like vintage photos in photoshop using this tutorial:

Here's an anti-dog-poop poster. I stepped in dog poop on the sidewalk the other day and it inspired me to make this. It was for a school public service announcement project.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Recent stuff.

here's a painting I did for myself. "The First" - 8x8 acrylic on canvas.

This was a project for school. we had to design a band poster using only 2 colours plus a paper colour. I think I'm gonna redo it in illustrator or photoshop and send it to Anamanaguchi. They might wanna use it.. and possibly trade it for $$s. :D:D:D

Saturday, September 19, 2009

zombie girl vector graphic

This is my first adobe illustrator vector graphic EVER. considering i've never used the pen tool before, I don't think it's that bad. I'm slowly getting used to it even though it's not the normal method i'd use for making illustrations.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

weird underwater monster thing.

This was done for my app class as a practice digital illustration to get used to Adobe and our tablets. I kind of already knew what I was doing a bit :P

Saturday, August 1, 2009

dinosaur shirt

Hey, so I did this random drawing of a cute girl and a dinosaur, and my boyfriend convinced me to put it up on designbyhumans. I doubt it will get enough votes to win or anything, but I'm hoping it'll at least show some indication of how many people like the image or whatever. I am gonna try and finish a series of about 5 drawings and then maybe sell them on Etsy. What do you guys think?

Vote here if you feel so inclined. :D

Monday, July 27, 2009


Here's a digital painting commissioned by my boyfriend as a wedding gift for his sister. It's of their two World of Warcraft characters, Apostolov and Apostolova. hahah. Done in photoshop cs3.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Trip sketches

Some sketches I did in my sketchbook while on my Scotland-Italy trip during May. The first two have a lot of hours put in them, because I got really fussy, being trapped with a mechanical pencil on a tiny piece of paper. I was also bored, haha, so I just rendered the shit out of everything. Not having a computer + tablet drove me crazy after a month D:

Some mermaids, because they are cool and sea creatures rule.

Le boy et moi. I missed him a lot during that trip :{ drawing this helped keep me a bit more sane.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Gift art - Howl's Moving Castle

Howl and Calcifer from Howl's Moving Castle. (Best Miyazaki film imo) This was done as a gift for steen182.

Done in marker, pencil crayon and gouache with colour touch ups in Photoshop.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Playing cards!

These are a couple playing cards I designed for school. The first one was done in watercolour and then textures added from, second one was photoshop with textures. I don't know why I had to do argyle socks. I just did. Hahah.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Two images for a school project with the theme Right and Wrong. I'll let you decide as to how I interpreted that. (I'll give you a hint, there's not much thought behind it at all. :P)

I just like to draw cute things.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

This is going to be used as the title graphic for my website once I'm not lazy and get it up and running, which will hopefully be over the summer sometime. This was done as a "personal banner" for english class.

This is a CD cover I made for english again for a fictional band (named after a Buckethead song, lululululz) and it's not finished. I am going to finish it eventually, but for now you get the half finished version. I actually put effort into it because I wanted to get some sort of personal development out of it, whereas the second image, the back, was made in 5 minutes with an image I yanked off google. Ironically my teacher liked the back a lot more than the front. :P

Anddd a fake bubble tea restaurant menu. I had limited space to put stuff on the menu, so I know it's missing a lot of awesome flavours, but that's all I got. XD

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ka'rist and Ma'tu

Molly/Jak's characters Ka'rist and Ma'tu from her comic Signum Fas. Random gift. :D Done in marker and gouache on parchment paper.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sakhr sketchbook doodle

A doodle of Sakhr done in my moleskine with pastel pencils. YEEEAW.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Peter et le loup

CD cover for Peter and the Wolf for school. Outlined with micron pens and coloured/textured hastily in Photoshop. Textures from

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Something old. ish.

This is something I did for last term for Illustration. It is in "le style Mucha" with some Celtic elements. I realize the designs around the edges suck, and the type sucks, but I hadn't taken typography at that point, hahah. It's done in watercolour/gouache, and I halfassed it the weekend before it was due because I lanned world of warcraft the entire time AND was sick ontop of that, and I went to bed at 2am and got up at 4am to finish it before school. IT WAS A GRAND TIME.

Also I had a FUCK of a time trying to get the segments to line up in photoshop (the actual size is like 20x16 or something) from when I scanned it in pieces. I don't know why but some areas were warped which meant I had to free transform it, and I eventually got sick of things never lining up because once I lined one thing up, another thing would disalign. So this is as good as the scan's gonna get, I'm afraid. Haha.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blargh;;; the route to Egyptian mythology.

So I was really happy with this before I coloured it.

It's a "route to" something project we had in school (in my case I did the route to Egyptian mythology) and we had to find something to emulate or inspire us. I decided to use Josh Cochran because he is rad. It took me a long time to do the linework and I was really happy with it, but I didn't think to scan it or anything before I started on it with the markers, and I was... less than satisfied with the result, so I fiddled in Photoshop a bit and think I may have managed to salvage it a bit by massively tweaking the colours and blending in the smudgy lineart with a papyrus texture.

What do you guys think? I think the only part I like is the Anubis. Because he has dimension, and I like the way I stylized his face. Too bad it got mauled by dark purple marker.

Monday, January 26, 2009


So... I am FAR too lazy to post any of the other recent stuff I've done, or mostly just too lazy to scan it. I feel like I'm busy but I'm not... THAT busy I guess. It's just that some of the stuff is humungo. :[ and I probably don't like it as much as I should. BUT. you at least get this one. XD Done with marker and white gouache, it was my final illustration for my illustration class last term.